Thursday, December 10, 2009


December is the month of giving and loving. We are all celebrating the birth of our lord Jesus christ. In the 25th day of december is the time for us to celebrate the christmas day.
This month the temperature is very cold. Children is enjoying caroling in every house every night. This is very important month. Christmas is time for loving, caring, and sharing. We must make our christmas wonderful and unforgetable by giving gifts to other person and showing them love and care.Help in others problem. If we don't have nothing to give to our love one's, just show them that we love them. Because the true essence of christmas is loving.
Make our christmas unforgetable. Because this is one of the special time to give our gifts and sencernes greetings to our love one's, friends and all the people. Express the through essence of christmas the love, care and sharing. Have a wonderful christmas. Merry christmas and advance happy new year.

1 comment:

  1. ...brad,!check your spelling.!hehehe
    colors too,..!

    peace men!

    ...napadaan lang>>..
