Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Speak English or Filipino with Kindness

Language for global competence. Speak with kindness. This is a sign of respect not just only to the person whom you are talking to but also to the language itself.
English, not just only here in the Philippines,but also around the world is used sometimes as the medium of speech. It used to communicate people around the world.We must speak to them with proper kindness, because sometimes it can cause war and gaps and misunderstanding. Filipino, on other land is the national language of Filipinos. If we speak to our own language it is a sign to our country.
To sum it up, speaking English/Filipino with proper kindness is a sign of respect. It is also a way for us student to gain knowledge in speaking in a proper way.Let us practice speaking English and Filipino with proper kindness so that the near future we can use it not just only in communicating but also to improve the rate of our own lives.


  1. your blog is too short.. but its interesting.. keep it up!!

  2. i think you should change your layout.
    i cant read your blog well.
